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Print this pageForward this document  What's new for T1 Internet version 20.12?

The latest DT Max program update is now available for downloading. It features the T1/TP-1 program for the tax years 2005 to 2016 inclusively and fully supports T1/TP-1 EFILE. Installing this version will update your version of DT Max to 20.12.

Please note that all program versions are available on the Internet.

In this version...

DT Max T1

  1. Version highlights
    1. Quebec Tax Data Download
    2. Age of eligibility for the age amount for Quebec residents brought back to 65
    3. New in-house form: Quebec Tax Data Download (TDD) - RL-24 and/or RL-30
    4. CRA Pre-Authorized Debit request
    5. Auto-fill my return
    6. ReFILE service
  2. New forms
  3. Revised forms
  4. New keywords
  5. Deleted keywords
  6. New options
  7. Revised options
  8. Deleted options
  9. New diagnostics


DT Max T1

  1. Version highlights

    1. Quebec Tax Data Download

      Beginning in 2016, Revenu Québec will require from software developers the downloading of all the taxpayer's tax data contained in Revenu Québec's records, regardless of whether or not this data is used by the software in calculating the Quebec tax return. To meet this new requirement by Revenu Québec, you will notice that several new keywords have been added that are used to recover this additional information provided by Revenu Québec. As in previous years, the use of the Quebec Tax Data Download service is optional. Please refer to our New keywords section for more details.

    2. Age of eligibility for the age amount for Quebec residents brought back to 65

      Quebec's Minister of Finance has announced that the age amount will remain accessible to seniors aged 65 for the 2016 taxation year. Please take note that the necessary changes have been brought to DT Max to allow taxpayers who have turned 65 years of age in 2016 to claim the age amount on Quebec Schedule B. For more details, click here.

    3. New in-house form: Quebec Tax Data Download (TDD) - RL-24 and/or RL-30

      Following Revenu Québec's instructions regarding the Tax Data Download, information from the RL-24 and/or the RL-30 slips must be downloaded in the taxpayer's file, and not in the dependant's file. However, in order for the program to perform the calculations correctly, you must enter this information manually in the file of the appropriate dependant.

      For this purpose, the information with regards to the RL-24 and/or the RL-30 slips was reproduced on the in-house form entitled "Quebec Tax Data Download (TDD) - RL-24 and/or RL-30 slips". Please print and use it to review your data entry, if applicable.

    4. CRA Pre-Authorized Debit request

      DT Max now supports the CRA's Pre-Authorized Debit request service.

      Efile service providers, on behalf of their clients, now have the capability to electronically submit payments for a balance owing.

      The required information will be obtained from the Enclosed keyword group.

      To submit a payment, click CRA Pre-Authorized Debit from the Efile menu.

      After you click OK, DT Max will automatically submit each payment separately. The files will be processed in real time, meaning that the response will be almost instantaneous. The results can be viewed from the Results log or from within the client's file.

      Please note that if the payment is accepted, DT Max will enter the result into the Progress-EPAD keyword group. If it is rejected, the error code will be entered into the Efile-PADError keyword.

      We hope this new service will be of benefit to you during the course of the tax season.

    5. Auto-fill my return

      Previous releases of the Auto-fill my return (AFR) service logged out the user after every transaction. New releases of the AFR service will no longer log out the user.

      The user only needs to log in once. As long as the user session is not timed out and the browser window remains open, the user will not be required to log in again.

    6. ReFILE service

      We are pleased to announce that DT Max has obtained ReFILE certification from the Canada Revenue Agency.

      Amended returns can now be submitted through this new service.

      To transmit an amended federal income tax return, please complete the steps below:

      • If it has not already been obtained, electronically submit form T1013 with a level 2 authorization,
      • Enter the required modifications,
      • Enter the keyword Fed-ReFILE and select Yes,
      • If applicable, complete the keyword FED-REFILE-SURVEY,
      • Calculate the return and confirm that it is EFILE-eligible by verifying the Notes and diagnostics page,
      • Recalculate and transmit the amended federal income tax return.

      If you choose not to efile the amended federal income tax return or, if you cannot efile it due to an exclusion, then you must complete and file a T1 Adjustment Request form.

      To transmit a subsequent amendment, please proceed as follows:

      • Delete and re-enter the keyword Fed-ReFILE ,
      • Enter the required modifications,
      • If applicable, update the keyword FED-REFILE-SURVEY ,
      • Calculate the return and confirm that it is efile eligible by verifying the Notes and diagnostics page,
      • Recalculate and transmit the newly amended federal income tax return.

      If you choose not to efile the amended federal income tax return or, if you cannot efile it due to an exclusion, then you must complete and file a T1 Adjustment Request form.

      Please note that the "As-filed" snapshot will only store a copy of your last electronically submitted federal income tax return. If you wish to keep a copy of both your original and amended federal income tax returns, then we would recommend enabling the Archiving and PDF feature found within Preferences. Please also select the option Add a suffix to create a unique name found beside If the file name already exists in order to avoid overwriting an existing file.

  2. New forms

    In-house form

    • Quebec Tax Data Download (TDD) - RL-24 and/or RL-30

  3. Revised forms


    • Schedule B - Tax Relief Measures

      Since the minimum age of eligibility for the age amount remains at 65 years of age, the year of birth indicated on lines 22 and 23 has been changed to 1952 instead of 1951.

  4. New keywords

    1. In the keyword group SEND-CDE-AFR , pertaining to the CRA's Tax Data Delivery (TDD) service:

      1. SEND-BalOwingIndi : SEND - Balance owing amount indicator

      2. SEND-REFSETOFFS$ : SEND - Refund set off amount

    2. Pursuant to the requirement for additional information provided by Revenu Québec via their Tax Data Download service, the following keywords have been added to the T-Slip group pertaining to the Quebec RL-29 slip:

      1. Remuneration-Tot : RL-29 Box B - Remuneration paid to an FTR or an IR. This amount is paid by a public institution

      2. FinancialComp.29 : RL-29 Box C - Financial compensation

      3. FIRSTNAME.LM53 : First name of the second person in charge (LM-53 Part 2)

      Furthermore, please note that all the keywords that were previously located in the RETRIBUTION.LM group have now been moved to the T-Slip group in regard to the Quebec RL-29 slip.

    3. Starting in 2016, the individual's address of residence as displayed in Revenu Québec's records will be provided via the Quebec Tax Data Download service. To recover this information, the following keywords have been created under the new TDD-Address-Ln1 group:

      1. TDD-Address-Ln1 : TDD - Address line 1

      2. TDD-Address-Ln2 : TDD - Address line 2

      3. TDD-PostalCode : TDD - Postal code

      4. TDD-Province : TDD - Province

      5. TDD-MUNICIPALITY : TDD - City, village or municipality

      6. TDD-ApartmentNo : TDD - Apartment number

      7. TDD-BUILDINGNO : TDD - Civic number

      8. TDD-TRACKNAME : TDD - Street (type and street name), PO Box

    4. As of 2016, data from the RL-24 and/or RL-30 slips that have been sent to the taxpayer will be provided via the Quebec Tax Data Download service and must be downloaded in the taxpayer's file and not in the dependant's file. For this purpose, the following keywords have been created :

      1. TDD-RLSLIP : RL slip type

      2. TDD-AmendedSlip : Amended slip

      3. TDD-IssuerName : Name of issuer

      4. TDD-Child-FName : Child's first name

      5. TDD-CHILD-LNAME : Child's last name

      6. TDD-CHILD-DOB : RL-24 Box A - Date of birth

      7. TDD-CHILD-NB-DAYS : RL-24 Box B.1 - Number of days of care

      8. TDD-CHILD-NB-WEEK : RL-24 Box B.2 - Number of weeks spent at a camp or a boarding school

      9. TDD-CHILD-TOTPAID : RL-24 Box C - Total childcare expenses paid

      10. TDD-CHILD-NOTELIG : RL-24 Box D - Childcare expenses that do not qualify for the tax credit

      11. TDD-CHILD-ELIGEXP : RL-24 Box E - Childcare expenses that qualify for the tax credit

      12. TDD-CHILD-FNAME.30 : Child's first name

      13. TDD-CHILD-LNAME.30 : Child's last name

      14. TDD-CHILD-DOB.30 : RL-30 Box A - Date of birth

      15. TDD-CHILD-NBDAYS.3 : RL-30 Box B - Number of days of care

      16. TDD-DIVISIONNUM : RL-30 Box D - Division number of the childcare provider or of the coordinating office

      17. TDD-IDENTIFICATION : RL-30 Box E - Identification number of childcare provider

    5. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the RC62 slip :

      1. Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

      2. UNIVERSAL-YEAR : Benefit tax year (for information only)

      3. UNIVERSAL-YRREPAID : Benefit repaid (for information only)

      4. UNIVERSAL-YRPAID : Benefit paid (for information only)

    6. In the T4 group, pertaining to employment income earned in the province of Quebec:

      1. RL22-Amended : Amended slip (for information only)

      2. RL22-NameIssuer : Issuer name (for information only)

      3. RL22-ProtectBegin : Start date of protection period in the year (for information only)

      4. RL22-PROTECTEND : End date of protection period in the year (for information only)

      5. Tips-Allocated-Q : RL-1 Box T - Tips allocated

    7. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T4A(P) slip and the Quebec RL-2 slip:

      Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

    8. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T4A(OAS) slip:

      Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

    9. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T4E slip and the Quebec RL-6 slip:

      1. Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

      2. EI-Overpayment : T4E Box 26 - Overpayment recovered or repaid (for information only)

      3. EI-Reversal-Tax : T4E Box 27 - Reversal of income tax deducted (for information only)

    10. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T4RSP slip and the Quebec RL-2 slip:

      Tax-Paid-Amounts : T4RSP Box 40 - Tax-paid amounts (RL-2 box M) (for information only)

    11. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T4RIF slip and the Quebec RL-2 slip:

      Tax-Paid-Amounts : T4RIF Box 36 - Tax-paid amounts (RL-2 box M) (for information only)

    12. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the Quebec RL-7 slip:

      1. Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

      2. QSSP-TRANSF-TO : RL-7 Box E - Transferred to the SSP II

      3. QSSP-TRANSF-FROM : RL-7 Box F - Transferred from the SSP II

    13. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the RL-10 slip issued by Fondaction and /or the FTQ:

      1. Info-Only.rl10 : RL-10 - Show keyword for information only

      2. Indicator.rl10 : Indicator - Resale in a retirement context (R) or disability context (I) (for information only)

      3. HBP-Indicator : Indicator - Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)? (yes/no) (for information only)

      4. LLP-Indicator : Indicator - Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP)? (yes/no) (for information only)

      5. RRSP-Contract# : RRSP contract number (for information only)

      6. RRSP-Transfer : Transfer - Amount received during the year (for information only)

      7. RRSP-Receipt# : RRSP receipt number (for information only)

      8. RRSP-ReceiptDate : RRSP receipt date (for information only)

    14. In the T-Slip group, pertaining to the Quebec RL-27 slip:

      1. Name.t : Name of the issuer of the T-slip

      2. Contract-Payment : RL-27 Box A - Contractual payments

      3. Subsidies.27 : RL-27 Box B - Subsidies

      4. TypeRecipient : Select the type of recipient

      5. NEQ.27 : Quebec enterprise number (NEQ)

      6. Nb-Recipient : Number of beneficiaries

      7. AmendedSlip : Amended slip

  5. Deleted keywords

    1. The main keyword RETRIBUTION.LM, pertaining to the insurable earnings of a person responsible for a family-type resource (LM-53) has been deleted. Please note that the keywords that were located in that group have all been moved to the keyword group T-Slip for the Quebec RL-29 slip.

    2. In the sub-keyword Consent-Name.rep in the keyword group Authorize , pertaining to form T1013, the following keyword has been deleted following the removal of this field in the 2016 version of the form:

      NAMEREPRESENTATIVE: Name of your representative (individual or business) [T1013 Part 2]

  6. New options

    1. For the keyword BusinessInc in the T-Slip group, pertaining to the federal T5013 and the Quebec RL-15 slips:

      Business income (loss)

    2. For the keyword Foreign-OV in the Foreign-Inc group, pertaining to foreign income:

      T2209 - Non-business income tax paid (a)
      T2209 - Net foreign non-business income (b)
      T2209 - Basic federal tax (d)
      T2209 - Business income tax paid (e)
      T2209 - Basic federal tax (h)

    3. For the sub-keyword Indicator.rl10 under the keyword Info-Only.rl10 , in the T-Slip group, pertaining to the Quebec RL-10 slip issued by Fondaction and/or the FTQ:

      R - Resale in a retirement context (R)
      I - Resale in a disability context (I)

    4. For the keyword TDD-RLSLIP , with regards to the Quebec Tax Data Download:


    5. For the keyword T-Slip :

      RL-27 (memo)

    6. For the keyword TypeRecipient in the T-Slip group, pertaining to the Quebec RL-27 slip:

      1 Individual or trust
      2 Corporation
      3 Partnership
      4 Individual (or trust), corp. or partnership is a holder
      5 Individual (or trust), corp. or partnership is par

  7. Revised options

    Despite the addition of new code 6 for box 002 of T5013, Statement of Partnership Income, with regards to a retired member, the CRA could continue to consider the member as a general partner or a specified partner based on his status before his retirement and his level of participation in the partnership after his retirement. Therefore, the following options for the keyword Member-Code in the T-Slip pertaining to the federal T5013 slip and the Quebec RL-15 slip have been modified as follows:

    Former options:

    1 - Specified member
    2 - General partner

    Revised options:

    1 - Specified member (include code 6)
    2 - General partner (include code 6)

  8. Deleted options

    1. For the deleted keyword RETRIBUTION.LM :

      Contributory payment - family-type resource or an interm.

    2. For the keyword Cap-Gains in the T-Slip group, with regards to the RL-15 slip, the following options have been deleted following the removal of boxes 202 and 203:

      Portion re: property used for business (AMT) RL-15 [202]
      Portion re: prop. used to earn prop. inc. (AMT) RL-15 [203]

  9. New diagnostics

    Error prevention reports


    434 Additional subsidized childcare contribution

    Based on the data downloaded from Revenu Québec with respect to the taxpayer's RL-30 slip(s), the total number of days of childcare shown in boxes B does not match the total number of days entered on line 44 of Schedule I for all children. Please review your data if applicable.

    To view the information downloaded from Revenu Québec, please refer to the in-house form entitled "TDD - Québec Relevé slips" in the taxpayer's file and/or in the spouse's file if applicable.

    Total number of days of childcare at the basic rate from tax data download (TDD)   N       
    Total number of days of childcare at the basic rate from Schedule I - N       
    Difference = N       

    455 Tax credit for child-care expenses

    Based on the data downloaded from Revenu Québec with respect to the taxpayer's RL-24 slip(s), the total of childcare expenses shown in boxes E does not match the total entered on line 39 of Schedule C. Please review your data if applicable.

    To view the information downloaded from Revenu Québec, please refer to the in-house form entitled "TDD - Quebec Relevé slips" in the taxpayer's file and/or in the spouse's file if applicable.

    Total child care expenses eligible for the tax credit from tax data download (TDD)   $       
    Total child care expenses eligible for the tax credit from Schedule C - $       
    Difference = $       


March 2, 2017